Yes, this is still us – We changed our graphics (this will change more, as I look for a better, easier interface), but the content is the same, and will improve even with time.
After a long period of using a very unsercure php-nuke shell, I decided to convert into a new plastform: WordPress ver. 3
For last two years nothing new has really happened, the site when quiet (had to disable any comments due to a nastiness of thousands of spammers, and bunch of idiotic hackers from Brazil and Russia. The site was defaced more than ones, or twice, and it was getting really ridiculous with the constant restores.
This time I feel, that the new program is much more secure, and this in turn will allow more openness.
So… feel free to post comments if you want. As far as spammers are concerned, the anti spamming modules do handle it very nicely. (some even come up with those very “nice” cookie cutter responses with… links to their Viagra, buy-a-drug, get a date with a Russian, Ukrainian women sites. Nice try I say; not interested. Most of the time, I don’t even see those.
For others, please be patient, as in the beginning I will have to approve every comment. Leave your email, if you want a direct response (I do not collect these, trust me).
I hope you have a nice day.