A piece of good news from the US government. It seems that the State Department is getting serious about tracking down international child abductors, and bringing them to justice, even when they they happen to be mothers. In today’s Daily Mail article we can read about the story about Eileen Clark, 54, who fled to Britain with […]
Poland-bound Dad and his kids, after rulings (Chicago Tribune, 4/26/06), discusses his international abduction case, in which a divorcing Polish mother abducted her two daughters to the United States, disappearing with the girls without even telling the dad.
A blog entry from a person who wants to help in cases of child abductions.
the Polish legislature passed and the Polish President signed it - a new bill that changes current court order enforcement procedures as they pertain to the Hague Convention cases. Will things change? Time will only tell.
Hi everybody, Today, July 11, 2001, the District Appeals Court in Gdansk overturned the decision of the first instance court in Gdansk, and ordered the returned of my two children Amelia and Daniel Szuta back to their home in California. In its decision, the Appeals Court has pointed out that the Regional Court’s decision did […]