Category: English

British government starts a media educational campaign to prevent international parental abductions, when the Polish officials sit on their hands, and do nothing.
It is quite an unusual event for the liberal media to be impartial in reporting any custody cases, especially the international ones. This story is more so unbelievable, because the Australian 60 minutes team ( Tara Brown and Michael Usher) did an amazing investigative work in exposing its own government officials who knowingly participated in organizing, […]
Poradnik: Kroki, które mogą zapobiec uprowadzeniu twojego dziecka za granicę według zaleceń Departamentu Stanu USA, wydziału Spraw Dzieci (Office of Children's Issues at the U.S. Department of State)
What two days can bring! It is simply amazing. Up till not recently, the pages of Gazeta Wyborcza [let me call them GW from now on] were infested with articles of  a yet another “poor” (but pretty and naturally Polish) mother, who “decided to return back to her native Poland”, and later to be  “victimized […]
Polands Krzysztof Rutkowski promisses kidnapping of children from Cyprus. What will Cyprus authorities do with this self proclaimed "defender of mothers"?