Author: Bogdan

Lebanon is a popular destination for parents who abduct children. According to Daily Star abductions by parents are not considered a crime. Any family cases are handled by religious courts, which favor fathers in custody disputes. Many Western countries experience a growing problem with recovering children abducted to this and other Middle Eastern Countries. Statistics […]
According to the Napa Valley Register report  Ahmad Alwawi father of two girls was detained as he was trying to board the plane with an intend to leave for Jordan. He was in a violation of the court order, which prohibited him to leave the country. It seems that the mother’s quick reaction and cooperation of […]
Here is a video post on two boys abudcted by their Polish mother from Canada to Poland. ALEXANDER WATKINS: White male. Born on June 7, 2001. Brown hair, blue eyes. He has a small round scar on the left side of his neck. His nickname is “Alex” or “Alek” in Polish. He has been diagnosed […]
Stephen Watkins, a friend of a mother of two abducted boys asks for help as the International Day of Abducted Children (May 25th, 2011) nears.
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