Author: Bogdan

Następny artykuł z polskich mediów, który można podpiąć pod szyldem "O zgrozo!". Tym razem, nie na temat uprowadzeń, ale może jednak? Dlaczego kraj, który z jednej strony posiada 80 tysięcy porzuconych dzieci, odmawia również oddania uprowadzonych? Czy tu chodzi jedynie o pieniądze?
Another request for help in case of international child abduction to Poland - "I am currently trying to bring my child home via the Hague Convention law. I am an Australian who's child was abducted to Poland by his Mother over 1 year ago..."
Gerardo, whose son Mycah was abducted to Poland, writes a short note from Europe.
This time it is a mother whose children were abducted by her ex husband. She is desperate, her English is poor, but this doesn't make her story any less tragic. Unfortunately she did leave any contact information.
Poland-bound Dad and his kids, after rulings (Chicago Tribune, 4/26/06), discusses his international abduction case, in which a divorcing Polish mother abducted her two daughters to the United States, disappearing with the girls without even telling the dad.