Author: Bogdan

Hi everybody, Today, July 11, 2001, the District Appeals Court in Gdansk overturned the decision of the first instance court in Gdansk, and ordered the returned of my two children Amelia and Daniel Szuta back to their home in California. In its decision, the Appeals Court has pointed out that the Regional Court’s decision did […]
Last Tuesday (June 12, 2001), Matthew and Cynthia Janowski returned with their mother back to the United States. Their father Cezary Janowski had kidnapped the children to Poland in January of 1999. in today's article (June 14,2001) described what really happened when Natalia J. was trying to execute her legal court order in Kielce, Poland last week.
W swoim artykule z dnia 15 czerwca 2001 r. Superexpress, opublikował następny stronniczy artykuł o sprawie Natalii Janowskiej. Tak zwana "reporterka", Magorzata Janczewska, ponownie z aprobatą jej przełożonych, opublikowała "sprawozdanie" z rzekomego poniewierania porywacza przez polskie i amerkańskie władze .
On September 5th, 2000 Polish Human Rights Comissioner (Ombudsman) has contacted the Minister of Justice of Poland in regards to the
execution of courts orders in cases where a child was abducted to Poland.