Tag: Children suffer

It's a holiday season - Christmas, Santa Claus, presents, egg nog, etc - but forgive me if I don't feel festive. It has been five (5) months since the District Appeal Court in Gdansk has issued its final ruling on my Hague Convention application to return the children to USA - and my children are still in Poland! One would think that it's impossible. How can it be?
Christopher Yavelow, a father of abducted children to Europe appeals to the children of the world to help him recover his daughters.
Www.gazeta.pl in today's article (June 14,2001) described what really happened when Natalia J. was trying to execute her legal court order in Kielce, Poland last week.
On September 5th, 2000 Polish Human Rights Comissioner (Ombudsman) has contacted the Minister of Justice of Poland in regards to the
execution of courts orders in cases where a child was abducted to Poland.
This site is a support place for victimized parents affected by international parental child abduction to Poland. The government of Poland has been a silent participant to this crime by not complying with the Hague Convention treaty laws. Statistics speak volume.