As BBC reports, Atiya Anjum-Wilkinson was six, when her father abducted her to Pakistan three years ago. Even though Pakistan is not the party to the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of Child Abductions, she was returned from Pakistan, after the father was sent to prison for refusing to disclose where his daughter was hidden. It […]
Having been exposed to many years in Polish and American courts, I could never understand why would seemingly educated and intelligent judge, prosecutor or social worker write an opinion, say something, that undermined or simply negated the basic rules of law and common sense. Up till now, I blamed the situation in Poland on selected human […]
Today, was the day. A follow-up letter to a yet another, meaningless conversation with the Children Issues Department of the State Department representative, that I had a week or so ago. In a nutshell, I, the left-behind parent, was notified, that the case which was only officially “open”, was moved to another department for the […]
Last night, NBC Timeline had a story of abduction and recovery of Sean Goldman. His father David spent 5 years fighting his Brazilian wife and family in recovering abducted son back home to New Jersey. The boy returned home 2 years ago in a big media frenzy instigated by his Brazilian abductors and media. […]