Tag: Hague Convention

A crying girl with her father
The story of Joshua Izzard is typical: as he traveled to Rome, his Russian wife decided to "return" to her homeland. Besides two suitcases, she took their daughter, the "burgeoning chip" in the war with her husband.
I am saddened , but not surprised, to hear that Polish court rejected yet another  application under Hague Convention International law to return abducted children of [link id=’791′ text=”Steven Watkins”] to Poland by their mother. This pattern of blind Polish nationalism during international custody cases is a typical shameful occurrence. Polish authorities fail to understand that child abductions are […]
Lebanon is a popular destination for parents who abduct children. According to Daily Star abductions by parents are not considered a crime. Any family cases are handled by religious courts, which favor fathers in custody disputes. Many Western countries experience a growing problem with recovering children abducted to this and other Middle Eastern Countries. Statistics […]
Here is a video post on two boys abudcted by their Polish mother from Canada to Poland. ALEXANDER WATKINS: White male. Born on June 7, 2001. Brown hair, blue eyes. He has a small round scar on the left side of his neck. His nickname is “Alex” or “Alek” in Polish. He has been diagnosed […]
Stephen Watkins, a friend of a mother of two abducted boys asks for help as the International Day of Abducted Children (May 25th, 2011) nears.