Poradnik: Kroki, które mogą zapobiec uprowadzeniu twojego dziecka za granicę według zaleceń Departamentu Stanu USA, wydziału Spraw Dzieci (Office of Children's Issues at the U.S. Department of State)
I have to admit, moving from Phpnuke to WordPress was a true Godsend. No more dealing with incompetent coding causing constant site hacking and hijacking, no more dealing with hundreds of spam “comments” and guest posts on the site. WordPress is a completely different (and beautiful) “animal”, and since the move, I’ve had no regrades. None […]
I think that you may find the attached document very useful. It is a Microsoft Word template for the complaints to the European Court of Justice. I know that few of you are working as we speak on such a document.
I just received a fax from the Polish Central Authorities describing the procedure, which is used in Poland to enforce the Hague Convention treaty. Essentially, it is up to the left-behind parent to enforce the court decision to recover kidnapped children. As it stands today, Poland still fails to fully fulfill its Hague Convention obligations in this area...
Dr. Richard A. Gardner is an expert in PAS - a nightmare that no parents and child should experience in own life.